How are success and good energy connected?
What is Energetic Coaching?
In order to better understand this, I would like to take you, dear reader, on a fantastical journey:
Imagine hiking up a mountain, past woods and meadows. We come to rest at a special place. Clear, pure spring water emerges and trickles down the mountain. Over time, the trickle becomes stronger. The brook becomes deeper, slowly widening and unperturbedly creates a path with its natural, inherent power. It grows and grows, just like the flowers and plants along the way. However, the initial purity fades over time. Leaves and branches collect in the stream, stones fall into it and rubbish is disposed in it. Moss and mud grow and block the once powerful course of the water.
This image of the initially clear, pure stream, which slowly becomes blocked, is comparable to human life. At birth, we carry within us everything we need for our lives. We collect our first experiences. We store these and the following life experiences on a subconscious and conscious level, evaluating them as “good or bad”, or as “I want or I do not want”. This is how we create our first references. Comparable to the stream, we collect or take on “rubbish” like wrong or upsetting beliefs of our companions, i.e. family members, in the course of our lives. We put them into our “backpack of life”, as I affectionately call it. Figuratively speaking, the backpack gets heavier and heavier in the course of our lives and can potentially prevent us from doing the things we actually want to do from the bottom of our hearts and we often don’t know why.

How do I work in Energetic Coaching?
In my Energetic Coaching practice, I track down all these negative beliefs in the individual information field and delete them. This is comparable to cleaning a stream from rubble and garbage. In this way, the flow and the life energy in us begins to flow freely again.
I would like to give an example of this:
Wolfgang works in sales. For inexplicable reasons he does not like to phone. This behaviour is unfavourable in sales, as he is dependent on calling unknown people to sell his products. In coaching, Wolfgang and me worked out the origin of his blockade from a neutral point of view. It turned out to be a very old topic of his grandmother. At that time she learned in a telephone conversation that her husband had died in the war. Wolfgang’s mother had sat next to his grandmother at that moment and listened to everything. We resolved this traumatic event for Wolfgang’s mother in his information field. Wolfgang had unconsciously taken it over from his mother. Since our work Wolfgang has been able to reach for the telephone receiver free of negative emotions. For Wolfgang this is his very personal experience of success.
The definition of success is as broad as people can possibly be. Success can be to finally achieve and maintain the desired weight.
For Sandra it was the overcoming of her fear and the physical and mental challenge to circle the Kailash, the holiest mountain of the Tibetans, as well as to climb the Annapurna massif. For Claudia, for example, it was important to resolve her tinnitus, which prevented her from working as a professional musician. Monika’s heart’s desire was to finally get pregnant. For Max it was crucial to say goodbye to the influences of his premature birth.

For Daniela it was important to normalize her hypertension and for Moritz it was imperative to resolve his excitement at soccer games. I could continue this list with many more examples.
No matter which concern you come to me with, together we will find the way to your personal success. It is my goal to make the respective problems of my customers visible and to resolve the disturbances in their individual fields of information. My absolutely objective attitude is particularly important to me in my work. It is free of any judgement or advice.
I will work with you either in my practice, via Skype or on the phone. Please contact me for further information: or call me directly: +49 (0)160 97655571
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Sincerely Juliane Balla
Customer feedback:
@ I was very relaxed during carnival days! I feel so good! It is incredible and I am very happy about it – my family is, too.
@ I haven’t had a single panic attack since then and feel comfortable in my body again.
@ I am fascinated by our conversation, completely stunned and impressed by the improvement.
@ I felt very taken care of. I am full of energy and joy again.
@ I’m happy. It gives me pleasure to work with you, to know that there is someone there for you.
@ I’m doing well, like I haven’t in a long time. My self- confidence has skyrocketed, I pursue my goals
Juliane Balla
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