The Eden Achievement Award – The Winners 2017 – The US Award Highlight

The Eden Achievement Award – The Winners 2017 – The US Award Highlight
On December 3, 2017, the Eden Achievement Award was presented for the first time in U.S. history at the legendary Beverley Hills Hotel in Beverley Hills, California, known worldwide for the Golden Globe and the Oscars.
„The Eden Magazine“ editor Maryam Morrison, successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, and Marcus Giers, successful producer, had the idea of honoring special international personalities from Europe and the USA – stars and great humanitarians who are also successful in business.
Maryam Morrison (Founder “The Eden Magazine”) and Dina Morrone (US actress, e.g. Twilight Saga, Spiderman, The Bourne Ultimatum…)
The audience included international personalities such as Hollywood star Tony Tarantino (director, producer and father of Quentin Tarantino), rock star Chris Pitman (Guns N’ Roses), Stephen Rivkin (editor, Brit Film Award winner & 3-time Oscar nominated for Avatar & Pirates of the Caribbean), and Hollywood actress & award winner Dina Morrone.
It was a great event, perfectly organized by the event proven team of the Beverley Hills Hotel. Many unforgettable magical moments enchanted the audience, the laudators, the jury and the award winners. Moments that get under your skin.
Astrid Arens – The Voice –, quote iHeartRadio (2nd largest channel in the USA): „She is one of the greatest entrepreneur minds germany has to offer“, which was accompanied by Business Voice Magazine, said live from Los Angeles:
Congratulated Astrid Arens on the award – US editor Stephen Rivkin and actress Dina Morrone
Marie Elena Infantino, international singer, honoured the winners with her fantastic voice by singing her world-famous melodies – the standing ovations were certain. Maryam and Matthew Morrison led the evening with confidence, and Marcus Giers (successful producer & speaker) held a rousing laudation for the organizers and the German award winners.
Marcus Gier’s live comment: „It is a special honour for me to give the laudatory speech to my German colleagues here and now. What a great evening, what a magical moment.“
Stretch limousines showed up, the red carpet was rolled out and the international press waited for the selected exclusive event participants. Representatives of various states, including the German Consul General Hans Jürgen Neumann and the Bolivian Consul General Fernando Lazcano-Dunn and his wife Ingrid, honoured the event. Both state representatives agreed: „This event has a future, it was an event of the extra class“.
They also congratulated Astrid Arens on the award:
Consul General Fernando Lazcano-Dunn and Consul General Hans Jürgen Neumann
Other prominent guests were Robert Morrone and his wife Heide Hryzyk-Morrone, Mary and Sabrina Gedon, Gloria Kisel-Hollis, Gary Greene, Claudia Giers (successful entrepreneur) and many others.
This year’s winners in the various categories include: Carlo Ponti Jr. (conductor of the San Bernardino Orchestra), Astrid Arens – The Voice – (internat. Speaker & Top Business Expert), Bruno Serato (Entrepreneur-Philanthrop-CNN Hero), Marcus Giers (Speaker & Brand Expert), Keith Mitchell (NFL Football Star), Christoph Ulrich Mayer (Business Designer), Dina Morrone (Actress – e.g. Avatar, Spiderman), Marcus Rübbe (speaker & philanthropist), Gerhard Matthes (self-made entrepreneur & speaker).
Keith Mitchell was totally thrilled: „Great event, enchanting people. It’s a lot of fun to be here.“ And Bruno Serato gave all participants his successful book with dedication – „The Power of Pasta“ – whose proceeds go to Caterina’s Club.
We wish Maryam Morrison and her team many more great Eden Achievement Awards. A 5 star PLUS event of the special class.
Below are all Award Winners 2017:
Astrid Arens and Keith Mitchell
Marcus Giers and Bruno Serato
Carlo Ponti Jr. & Dina Morrone and Gerhard Matthes
Christoph Ulrich Mayer and Marcus Rübbe
Astrid Arens - The VOICE
Astrid Arens - The VOICEShare: